Definition of Bootstrap
Bootstrap is a technique for estimating the parameters of a statistical model from a limited number of observations. It is a resampling technique that is used to build confidence intervals or to generate hypotheses about the population from which the data were drawn.
What is Bootstrap used for?
Bootstrap is a powerful frontend framework used to develop responsive, mobile-first websites and web applications. It was created by Twitter in 2010 and released as an open-source project. Bootstrap contains a set of components, including HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface elements. It also includes JavaScript extensions for menus, modals, tooltips, popovers, carousels, alerts, scrollspy & more. Developers are able to quickly build complex layouts with the help of Bootstrap’s grid system without having to write additional custom code. Because of its flexibility and usability across different device sizes (desktop/tablet/mobile), Bootstrap is one of the most popular frontend frameworks for both web designers and developers. Its incredible feature set allows developers to create user-friendly UIs that can be easily modified based on their own preferences or needs. Additionally, it offers well-structured documentation that enables even beginners to quickly understand how it works. In short: Bootstrap simplifies the process of creating complex web apps by providing ready-made components and fluid grid layouts that are easy to customize and modify according to specifications.