
Discrete Variable

Definition of Discrete Variable A discrete variable is a variable that can only take on certain, specific values. Contrast this with a continuous variable, which can take on any value within a given range. Discrete variables are often used in statistical models to represent outcomes that can only happen a certain number of times, or…


Dimension Reduction

Definition of Dimension Reduction Dimension reduction is a data pre-processing technique that reduces the number of dimensions in a dataset while preserving most of the information. It is often used to improve performance and scalability when working with high-dimensional datasets. What is Dimension Reduction used for? Dimension reduction is a type of data transformation technique…


Dependent Variable

Definition of Dependent Variable A dependent variable (also called the response variable) is a variable whose value is determined by the value of one or more other variables (the independent variables). The dependent variable is usually the focus of a data analysis, since it is the quantity that is being measured or estimated. What is…


Deep Learning

Definition of Deep Learning Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses multiple layers of nonlinear processing units, called neurons, to learn representations of data. Deep learning architectures can learn to represent data in ways that are more accurate and efficient than shallow architectures. What is Deep Learning used for? Deep learning is…


Data Wrangling

Definition of Data Wrangling Data wrangling is the process of manipulating and cleaning data in order to prepare it for analysis. This can involve anything from removing duplicates to transforming data into a different format. Data wrangling can be a time-consuming process, but it is essential for ensuring that data is ready for analysis. What…



Definition of D3 D3 is a JavaScript library for data-driven documents. It helps you to create data visualisations using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3 makes it easy to bind data to DOM nodes, making it easy to manipulate and style your data. What is D3 used for? D3, or Data-Driven Documents, is a JavaScript library…


Decision Tree

Definition of Decision Tree Decision Tree: A decision tree is a graphical representation of a decision process, used to help explain the logic of a decision. The tree has nodes, which represent choices, and branches, which represent the possible outcomes of each choice. The leaves of the tree represent the end results of the decision…



Definition of Decision Decision: A decision is a choice that is made between two or more possibilities. What are Decisions used for? Decisions are used to make choices or reach conclusions. They are a crucial part of the data science and machine learning process, since they allow us to make decisions based on information collected…


Database Management System

Definition of Database Management System Database Management System: A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software system that enables users to create and manage databases. A DBMS typically consists of a graphical user interface (GUI), a database engine, and a storage mechanism. The GUI allows users to create and modify database structures, enter and edit…


Database Design

Definition of Database Design Database Design: Database design is the process of designing the structure of a database. This includes defining the tables, fields, and relationships between them. Why does Database Design matter? Database design is an important factor in any data science or machine learning environment. It lays the foundation for how data is…