How to Become Salesforce Certified: Mike Wheeler’s Salesforce Certification Training
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How to Become Salesforce Certified: Mike Wheeler’s Salesforce Certification Training

Embarking on a journey to become Salesforce certified can seem daunting, but seasoned Salesforce and ChatGPT trainer, Mike Wheeler, is available to guide you through his own personal training experience. His philosophy, “become a Creator in a Consumption World“, drives him towards technology that empowers non-techies to create outstanding online platforms. Today, with over 232,431…

Master the Art of Requirements Gathering for Your Project with Our 5 Free Downloadable Templates

Master the Art of Requirements Gathering for Your Project with Our 5 Free Downloadable Templates

Intro Requirements gathering is a bit of an art and a science. You are never going to be done learning techniques to do things better. The success of any project depends heavily on the quality of requirements gathering. To help you get started with this crucial aspect, we offer five free downloadable templates that…

Create a Stunning Resume with Canva: A Comprehensive Guide

Create a Stunning Resume with Canva: A Comprehensive Guide

The job market is more competitive than ever, and having a resume that stands out can mean the difference between landing your dream job and being passed over. Canva comes in handy for that. You can make aesthetically appealing resumes and much more with Canva, an intuitive online design tool. We’ll explore the advantages of…