
Ad Hoc Analysis

Definition of Ad Hoc Analysis

Ad Hoc Analysis is an exploratory analysis technique used to uncover patterns or relationships in a dataset. Often times this work is performed “Ad Hoc” or “On The Fly”… meaning it it done in the moment.

What is Ad Hoc Analysis used for?

Ad Hoc Analysis is a type of data analysis used to answer specific questions about a dataset or set of datasets. It is typically used when an organization or individual does not have established reporting tools in place, or a well-defined problem to solve. Ad Hoc Analysis can be used for exploratory purposes, as well as to make decisions quickly in the face of unexpected events. It requires flexibility and creativity on the part of the analyst as they are working with data they may not know much about, and must often come up with unique solutions based on their analysis. Ad Hoc Analysis is also advantageous because it can provide insight into areas not previously considered, such as market trends or customer preferences that could have been overlooked by traditional methods. It is ideal for uncovering correlations between variables and can help identify opportunities for improvement within an organization. In addition, it is helpful in diagnosing problems across systems and detecting outliers that could be indicative of potential issues. Ultimately, Ad Hoc Analysis provides valuable insights that may otherwise remain hidden from view without this type of analysis.

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